Services Available in Seminole

Sugaring Hair Removal

This is a safe and natural hair - removal technique that neatly removes hair from various parts of the body using our home - made sugaring wax. The paste sticks only to hair and dead skin cells resulting in slower hair growth and less pain than caused by alternative waxing methods. Sugar waxing is recommended for anyone looking for a safe and easy approach to hair removal.


For individuals who receive our Brazilian and Bikini sugaring services, a vajacial is the perfect add-on to protect against sensitive skin concerns.

Brazilian Sugaring

Brazilian sugaring treatments include the removal of all hair from front to back. This is ideal for someone who wants complete hair removal, minimal upkeep, and a smooth result all over.

Underarm Sugaring

Underarm sugaring allows for easy hair removal with absolutely no upkeep until regrowth occurs. Over time, individuals may see a reduction in regrowth as hair follicles become less productive with repeated services.

Bikini Sugaring

When it comes to hair removal, especially in sensitive areas like the bikini line, safety and quality matter. Sugaring is an ancient hair removal practice that is time-tested.

Facial Sugaring

Facial sugaring is a wonderful option for individuals with sensitive skin or those who would simply like to enjoy the benefits of long-lasting hair removal with a reduced risk of irritation and ingrown hairs.

Back Sugaring

Sugaring for back hair removal is an excellent choice for safe removal with minimal discomfort and no downtime.

Eyebrow Sugaring

If you’re looking for a gentler, more effective alternative to eyebrow waxing or shaving you’re in the right place. Eyebrow sugaring is a gentle hair removal method that is safe for all skin types.

Leg Sugaring

Hair removal with leg sugaring is safe, fast, and simple. It provides all the benefits of hair removal without the hassle of shaving or waxing.

Arm Sugaring

We make arm sugaring simple with hair removal using our house-made sugar paste so you can throw away those razors.

Nose & Ear Waxing

Nose and ear waxing is a simple, quick way to manage nose and ear grooming with no downtime and minimal discomfort.

Want to learn?

Are you interested in becoming certified in sugaring? The Sugar South waxing course includes every aspect of Professional waxing leaving you feeling confident and knowledgeable. It is an intensive training course & workshop in which you will learn how to provide professional sugaring hair removal. Contact us for more information about courses and registration.